Crossing the Line: Real Stories of Monogamish Couples

Finally it has turned into a hot game for both of us. I instructed her on the issues of approaching a man, the way to seduce him, the words to be said and the things to be done in bed, and even more. It has always made me aroused – and still does. I know that she is mine not only when she is next to me, but even when she is far away Details...

Monogamish Relationship And Rules vs Infidelity: The Difference

Monogamish relationships don’t imply any ABC or ready-made guideline. But this is what makes them even more charming – the chance for the two to establish unique rules and rely on your own experience in choosing the way to satisfy both partners’ interests and wishes. Details...

Чем моногамистость отличается от измены?

Для моногамистых отношений нет азбуки или готовой инструкции. Но в этом и заключается их дополнительная прелесть – вдвоем с другим человеком создавать свои уникальные правила и на собственном опыте выбирать то, что удовлетворит пожеланиям и интересам обоих партнеров. Details...

Monogamish Marriage: Statistics and Expert Opinions

The language paradigm has its own ploys to resort to: infidelity and going off the rails have been connoted negative and made equivalent to deception and treachery. In terms of new generation relationships, however, these words would hardly be relevant in the lexicon of happy couples: monogamish implies open discussion and consent, the ability of holding a dialogue with a partner and accepting his/her desires. Details...

Perversion or Evolution: What is a Sexual Fantasy

Another thing that psychology and sexology refer to unhealthy is the state of a person fixated on one and the same kink only, so that his sexual fantasy is uniform and implies no development. A human individual is an evolving creature and is logical that all our needs develop and alter in the course of life. It is natural that our sexual displays become more complex and sophisticated, and in addition to sexual pleasure they start bringing the esthetic one as well. Details...

Polyamorous Relationship – What You Need to Know Before Starting

Trying on a new type of relationship is just as tricky as fitting a suit you want to buy in an online store – you’ll have to order the delivery. However – just like in the situation with the said store – someone else’s experience in polyamory may also help or at least come in useful: those who have tried before you do may leave their reviews. Probably once there was the first polyamorous family that was started pursuant to desire to live together and in absence of information about other communities consisting of more than two partners. But you can make use of their experience in order to avoid certain troubles and discomfort. Details...

Dan Savage's Definition of Monogamish - And More

However even a most idyllic case may turn a background for new ‘auxiliary’ relations – falling in love with new people, flinging and flirting. And any person capable of self-reflection might sooner or later wonder: “I like other people as well, they ignite my interest and admiration, so who am I? What type of relationship do I have if in addition to my primary partner there are other people I desire?” Details...

Sex in Old Times – First Kinksters’ Predilections

We didn’t have a goal of laying down a complete list of kinks: ancient kinks, as well as kinksters, are actually out of count. We just wanted to show kinky culture to be of considerable age and to encourage the inquisitive reader to do an independent study of other kinksters’ stories. Details...

Let’s talk about sex –
5 reasons to have sexual communication

The freedom to discuss any topic you want is like the feeling of flying – one can understand it only having once tried. Yet it is not only love for unobstructed actions that may motivate to train the skill of talking about sex – there are at least 5 reasons more. Therefore, let us talk about sex. Details...

Threesome Advice - Learning From Movie Scenes

The sources of information telling about “how” the process can be arranged and what are the traps and pitfalls that should be taken into account are numerous and obvious: this can be either the personal experience of your friends (these would rather not be prone to exaggeration) or communication with kinksters on specialized blogs and forums, or this can be traditional watching the movies which stories are suitable for using in your actual reality. Watching a film from this perspective is even more delightful in case you enjoy the actors, the plot and the visual imagery – this is then a chance to get a double pleasure. Details...