Polyamorous Relationship – What You Need to Know Before Starting

Trying on a new type of relationship is just as tricky as fitting a suit you want to buy in an online store – you’ll have to order the delivery. However – just like in the situation with the said store – someone else’s experience in polyamory may also help or at least come in useful: those who have tried before you do may leave their reviews. Probably once there was the first polyamorous family that was started pursuant to desire to live together and in absence of information about other communities consisting of more than two partners. But you can make use of their experience in order to avoid certain troubles and discomfort. Details...

Compersion - A New Word In Alternative Relationships

“Compersion” is a notion that can be thought of as the opposite of “jealousy”. It is a positive emotional reaction to relations of the other one in that he or she enjoys sexual desire experienced with another partner. It is probably close to a feeling that we have when a person we love attains the goals he has set in the professional field, or the way best friends rejoice at each other’s success. Compersion as a concept is used in the framework of alternative relationships (polyamorous relationship, open relationship, non-monogamy relationship) in that partners can in open and aware manner afford having a diversified range of feelings to more than one partner. Details...

Polyamorous Relationship Dictionary Meaning — For More Than Two

I can bet that the most familiar relationships for "more than two" to you are "open relationship" or "casual relationship". Here’s the usual definition for such relationships — partners who can be in love and have sexual relationships not only with the main partner, but with his/her permission. In such a couple there is no condemnation of love, sex, flirting with third parties, but these third parties are not invited to the couple, and don’t become a part of the basic relationship. Details...