Jealousy and Compersion in Open Marriage

Jealousy seems to know the trick of coming third in traditional monogamous couples. Likewise it has found a loophole in polyamorous families, getting access also to open marriage. We know there’s jealousy in us. Maybe your reality has very little to do with it, but we have in this life been jealous of our partners’ infatuations, of their interaction with brothers, moms, sisters, best friends, female friends, boss, soccer match companion, waitress, yoga teacher, book, movie, game, social network. Details...

Compersion Definition: The Anti-Jealousy Drug

But compersion penetrates even through the veil of secrecy. He living for his own pleasure and by his strange rules without posting this to social media shall anyhow become a model for the inner circle and children. Or be used as a prototype of books and cinematography’ round characters. Of complex personalities like Frank Underwood in the House of Cards: season 4 has demonstrated transformation of presidential feelings into pure compersion defined by the following words of his: “…one person cannot give everything to another person…”. Details...

Compersion - A New Word In Alternative Relationships

“Compersion” is a notion that can be thought of as the opposite of “jealousy”. It is a positive emotional reaction to relations of the other one in that he or she enjoys sexual desire experienced with another partner. It is probably close to a feeling that we have when a person we love attains the goals he has set in the professional field, or the way best friends rejoice at each other’s success. Compersion as a concept is used in the framework of alternative relationships (polyamorous relationship, open relationship, non-monogamy relationship) in that partners can in open and aware manner afford having a diversified range of feelings to more than one partner. Details...