Sharing Threesome Sex Stories Safely And Figuring Out What You Like
Why is it that some threesome sex stories sound seedy and others sound like dipping your toes into a pool of sexual ecstasy and exploration? What is it about the threesome scenario that makes the best threesome stories? In this article, we explore the reasons why some 3some sex stories seem like a healthy and organic experience for loving partners, and why some feel like cheap acts of immature or base carnality. In addition, you should remember that sharing your stories is a fair way of helping you relive the experience. The Fantasy app was created for all people who wish to share and discuss threesome stories, so try to use it yourself as well.
The Factors That Make Threesome Stories Exciting For You Personally
How healthy, natural, organic, sleazy, silly, immature or arousing a threesome story is will always depend on several factors. Such factors will define whether you enjoy or dislike a threesome story on a personal level. These include:
- Participants
- The scenario
- Morality
- Motivation
- The outcome
The most amazing threesome stories will pander to each of these factors in a way that you feel comfortable with and in a way that turns you on. If the story does not pander to or positively address those factors for you, then you will not enjoy the threesome sex stories.
For example, if you feel that cheating is a big issue, then a “scenario” where a woman sneaks behind her husband’s back to create a few female threesome stories of her own may be distasteful to you. This is because the act itself is contrary to all the factors you require for pleasurable sex stories of threesome intercourse.
In such a case, you would dislike the “Participants,” and the “Scenario” would be unsatisfying. You would have a problem with the “Morality” and “Motivation” of the act, and the “Outcome” of cheating would be contrary to what you find arousing.
Real Life Threesome Sex Stories Are Sometimes Lackluster
What if you read about short threesome stories that pander to the factors listed above, but they still feel a little lackluster? Does that mean there is something wrong with you? In most cases there is probably nothing wrong with you at all.
Think of it like this, if you like curry, then you may like the chilly, the garlic, the onion, and so forth. You may like all of the ingredients, it is just that the curry is cooked a little wrong. The same is true of great threesome stories.
Some stories will pander to all the relevant factors and have all the right ingredients, it is just that the story is cooked wrong (i.e. the problem is with the story and not you). There are some great women threesome stories, male stories, girls threesome stories, and much more out there for you to try, just like there are plenty of curries out there for you to try. Sometimes it is more about finding your flavor than finding the right ingredients.