developing of sensuality
One cannot unfold and develop one’s sensuality unless enjoying the process. Sexuality has its specific underlying rules. It does not follow the schemes of social fulfillment, it is absolutely different.
Rather often the decision to expand the scopes and the skills of person’s sexuality results from person’s reasoning and act of will. As a rule, this happens in those who have already achieved a lot in this life.
And by this time people start to understand they are not just money, luxury hotels, high social status or the uniqueness of personal brand that secure the sense of deep satisfaction with one’s life. They start to see that genuine emotions and passion are also crucial!
At this stage people may start experimenting with formats of their marriage and relationships. Yet unless relying on certain ethics and profound knowledge of corresponding aspects they can make a lot of mistakes.
The issue of seducing each other for pleasures rather than negotiating them like business partners is essential.
History shows many examples of non-standard relationships based on eroticism. In all cultures refined sexuality was a prerogative of the upper strata, since you really need time and resource to cultivate sensuality. Which is possible when basic needs have been already met, and thus there is opportunity to explore the turn-ons and the things you really want to experience with the partner.
In my opinion, if there is trust in a couple and both are sincere in sharing openly their true desires and fantasies, this may proceed into very interesting formats of relationships in which unique features of each party will be revealed.
Yuliia Yaroshenko